Saturday, October 31, 2015

November Cheat Sheet For North Carolina

This is last months sheet, doubles are not show but are included. Any time a number repeats you will have that too. Simply use a filter to narrow your plays down to a select digit and go. This works best with online game situations but if you can afford to play in the store that's good too. Just make sure you are able to know at least ONE digit to show in the next draw. You will be taken to the download once you pay.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Dashboard


This is the one hitter quitter situation. The top systems on one sheet. Easy to navigate and very reliable in all states. Pairs, rundowns and tic tac toe all on one. System is on a working excel sheet. You must have MS office on your computer to use the sheet.
You will be taken to the download page as soon as you pay.  

Secret Stacks


The SS will predict the weeks worth of numbers to play or even the next draw. It's very reliable and works in all states. System is on a working excel sheet. You must have MS office on your computer to use the sheet.
You will be taken to the download page as soon as you pay.  

Monday, October 5, 2015

Key Picks


Great for key digits and sums. This is a pick 3 and pick 4 system. It gives up the triplets for pick 4.
System is on a working excel sheet. You must have MS office on your computer to use the sheet.
You will be taken to the download page as soon as you pay.

Mixed Picks


Great for catching doubles and 2 digit returns on 6 way draws. 
System is on a working excel sheet. You must have MS office on your computer to use the sheet.
You will be taken to the download page as soon as you pay.